Sunday, June 1, 2008

How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm

Now that I have returned to the Land of the Internet, I can shamelessly whore out some pictures of my cuties from our trip.

The drive out was educational. I learned many things, notably that Short Stuff really WON'T sleep in the car more than about 20 minutes, no matter how long the trip. (Or, as we learned from last summer's ill-fated drive to the beach, what time you make the drive. We left at midnight, thinking he'd sleep the whole way, right? Wrong. SO wrong.)

I also was reminded that he really hates holding still, and he fillibustered the entire way on The Evils of Carseats and Why He Should be Let Loose. And since he's still not mastered the english language, he held forth in the universal toddler language of Shriek.
Also? My daughter had PMS. What I won't do in pursuit of relaxation, hmm?

Judge for yourself if it was worth it.
That first morning came EARLY.

Sitting on the front porch with his sister...

playing a little zim zam...

And so is born his fascination with "trackers"
Long walks with his sister were great fun
As were the face-making episodes
Gardening with his grandmother
Relaxing? not one bit. But Short Stuff had an absolute BLAST. So it was worth it.


Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Short Stuff looks like he's about the age of my son.

We haven't made a long car trip since Christmas, and we don't plan on making another one for a LONG time.

Anonymous said...

That picture sure of him running away is so perfect! He is absolutely adorable.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Gorgeous (the children and the view)!!!!

And so THAT'S zim zam.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I think he's lucky to have such a great sister. They look great together. Nice place too.

Suzie said...

Looks like a great trip

Mrs. Booms said...

Love the tracker shot. He is so stinking cute.

Robbin said...

That is one adorable child.

Sass said...

I love the pic of them both walking off into that beautiful green valley. Not relaxing perhaps, but really lush family time. Quite frankly - on a Monday when everyone is back at work - photos like these are priceless.

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

CUTE! Love the "trackers." Pretty scenery, too!

Real Life in South Carolina said...

Looks like a great time! I like the picture of him running away cute!

frannie said...

well, isn't he just the teensist bit cute!!!! what a doll!!

Steph said...

I love those pictures!

(I know I've already told you this, but it's worth repeating!)